Leuven MRC is looking for a new Industrial Research Fund (IRF/IOF) Research Manager in the field of Materials Innovation for a Circular Economy. The deadline for applications for this high-profile position is January 24, 2019. (PTJ, Leuven, 7/1/2019)

Innovation manager in the field of Materials Innovation for a Circular Economy

(ref. OZK-2018-93)

The Industrial Research Fund (IOF) bridges strategic basic research, technological innovations and industrial collaborations. We want to create value for the industry and society and impact on people’s lives around the globe by facilitating the transfer of knowledge and innovative solutions resulting from our outstanding multidisciplinary research. We have a team of 33 experienced innovation managers engaged in the development of practical and innovative technological solutions based on the expertise and infrastructure of the research groups within KU Leuven. We are looking for an innovation manager to coordinate, develop and support the valorization strategy in the field of materials innovation for a circular economy supporting an interdisciplinary team of researchers of the KU Leuven Materials Research Center (KU Leuven MRC). Valorization opportunities are situated in the fields of materials for energy (e.g. batteries, PVs, supercapacitors), sustainable organic materials (e.g. renewables, recycling) and sustainable inorganic materials (e.g. process intensification, upcycling, sustainability assessments).

Website unit




An exciting and challenging job, focused on continuous innovation and development in a transdisciplinary and international context. We offer a permanent position as Industrial Research Manager of the Industrial Research Fund (IOF) at KU Leuven, the most innovative university of Europe.


For more information please contact Mr. Sammy Brié, tel.: +32 16 37 37 24, mail: sammy.brie@kuleuven.be or Prof. dr. ir. Bart Blanpain, tel.: +32 16 32 12 16, mail: bart.blanpain@kuleuven.be.

You can apply for this job no later than January 24, 2019 via the online application tool


KU Leuven seeks to foster an environment where all talents can flourish, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality or impairments. If you have any questions relating to accessibility or support, please contact us at diversiteit.HR@kuleuven.be.

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