SIM² REE-recycling review most cited JCLEPRO paper

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The milestone Rare-earth recycling review paper – K. Binnemans et al., Recycling of rare earths: A critical review, J. Clean. Prod. 51 (2013) 1-22, doi:  (or download directly here) – is the most cited paper in Journal of Cleaner Production published since 2012. So far, the total number of citations is 282 (according to Scopus). This paper is also labelled as a Highly Cited Paper by ISI Web of Science. See

The reader is also referred to two more recent rare-earth recycling review papers:

  1. The EU FP7 EREAN related review paper on rare-earth recovery from NdFeB magnet scrap: Y. Yang, A. Walton, R. Sheridan, K. Güth, R. Gauß, O. Gutfleisch, M. Buchert, B.M. Steenari, T. Van Gerven, P.T. Jones, K. Binnemans, REE Recovery from end-of-life NdFeB permanent magnet scrap: a critical review, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s40831-016-0090-4 . Download here.
  2. The SIM² KU Leuven review paper on rare-earth recovery from industrial process residues: Koen Binnemans, Peter Tom Jones, Bart Blanpain, Tom Van Gerven, Yiannis Pontikes, Towards zero-waste valorisation of rare-earth-containing industrial process residues: a critical review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 99 (2015) 17-38. Download here.

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