SIM² KU Leuven’s March Newsletter just published

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On March 6th, 2017, SIM² KU Leuven published its latest Newsletter, covering the most recent project and research breakthrough developments. Newsletter 7 features Hilde Vautmans’ EU Action Plan for Enhanced Landfill Mining and reports some major research breakthroughs at SIM² KU Leuven in the domain of rare-earth extraction and separation. The Newsletter also features the formal approval of the new Policy Research Centre on Circular Economy. Likewise, The ETN DEMETER video is saluted once more, now for receiving exceptionally good reviews by the European Commission Marie-Curie programme. Attention is paid to Prof. Yiannis Pontikes upcoming Inaugural Lecture at KU Leuven, in the domain of inorganic polymers. Finally, an updated list of key events is also provided. If you want to receive future Newsletters, please register here (bottom page). Or if you have great content to share with SIM² KU Leuven’s stakeholders, please drop an email to


Read Newsletter 7 (March 2017) here.


SIM² Education