One pitch per research group presenting the group, its current activities and possibilities for cooperation with other SIM2 members.
    The SIM2 general assembly is the main platform of information exchange within SIM2. Aim of the GA is to stimulate new collaborations between research groups, formulate new project ideas and secure research funding. The GA also provides input for the long-term vision/strategy of SIM2 and gathers input for communication activities. Concretely, GA members are invited to participate in the GA meetings (twice a year) & are included in the SIM2GA mailing list, which is the main channel for information exchange within SIM2. Ideally, each research group is represented by at least one person apart from the ZAP member. Current SIM2 GA members are listed below.
  • Names A-I Names J-P Names R-Z
    Ann Witvrouw Jinu Joseph John Rabab Nasser
    Annelies Malfliet Jan Elsen Rayco Lommelen
    Anouk Borst Jan Fransaer Rhea Verbeke
    Balasubramanian Nagarajan Jef Peeters Rodolfo Marin Rivera
    Bart Blanpain Jiabin Li Ruben Snellings
    Bart van Duffel Johan Eyckmans Sharron (Xiaohua) Li
    Benjamin Horemans Joost Duflou Shuigen Huang
    Brecht Dewulf Karel Van Acker Simon De Jaeger
    Clio Deferm Koen Binnemans Simon Kuhn
    Dimitrios Sakellariou Lieven Machiels Stijn Raiguel
    Dzenita Avdibegovic Lubica Kriskova Theodoros Dimas
    Efecan Pakkaner Luc Alaerts Thomas Abo Atia
    Elisabeth De Decker Maarten Everaert Thomas Van Gerve
    Erik Smolders Maarten Vanierschot Tobias Hertel
    Fatemeh Taheri Marc Craps Tom Van Gerven
    Geert Van Calster Michiel Giels Valérie Cappuyns
    Giorgian Dinu Mohammad Abdelbaky Veerle Vandeginste
    Giovanna Sauve Muxing Guo Viet Tu Nguyen
    Giuseppe Granata Nand Peeters Wim Dehaen
    Glenn Beersaerts Olivier Namur Wim Dewulf
    Hannes Claes Özlem Cizer Xing Yang
    Ionut Popa Patrick Degryse Yiannis Pontikes
    Ivo Vankelecom Peter Tom Jones Zhongfu Cheng
      Petric Marc Ruya  
      Philippe Muchez  
      Pieter Geysens  
      Prado Araujo Fernando  

SIM² Education