Prof. Dr. Koen BINNEMANS is a full professor at the Department of Chemistry of KU Leuven (Belgium), specialised in solvometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. He has developed a core expertise in critical metals and solvent extraction. He heads the SOLVOMET Group, the Laboratory of Metallurgical Chemistry. Author of more than 200 papers on REEs (500 papers in total) with a h-index of 71 (83 according to Google Scholar) and over 23,000 citations. He was/is general coordinator of MSCA-ETN projects EREAN, REDMUD, SOCRATES and DEMETER and partner in the EU H2020 projects METGROW+, PLATIRUS, NEMO, CROCODILE, NEOHIRE and TARANTULA. As an ERC Advanced Grant holder (SOLCRIMET), he is co-founder of the SOLVOMET R&I Centre. He is an elected member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB).
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