ICP-OES/MS lab technician wanted in Leuven, Belgium! SOLVOMET / SIM2 KU Leuven has an exciting vacancy for a lab technician (professional bachelor degree in #chemistry) with ICP-OES/MS experience. We offer a long-term ATP position in our SOLVOMET Group. As an ICP lab technician you would be responsible for the sample preparation and ICP-OES/MS analyses in our bilateral projects with industry. SOLVOMET is an internationally renowned research group at KU Leuven (Belgium) in the domain of #metallurgical #chemistry and #circular hydrometallurgy, led by Prof. Koen Binnemans (#erc ADG SOLCRIMET & ERC POC SOLVOLi). Through our SOLVOMET Industrial Service Centre, we support our industrial partners (#mining and #metallurgical sector) in the development of more #sustainable, #circular hydrometallurgical processes. SOLVOMET is embedded in the KU Leuven Institute for Sustainable Metals and Minerals (SIM2 KU Leuven). For more info, check out this job announcement and/or contact Clio Deferm (SOLVOMET Research Manager). You can apply via: http://www.kuleuven.be/esolliciteren/light/60088437

SIM² Education