New SIM² Research Line: Process Intensification

COSMIC RL5 751x565

SIM² KU Leuven is delighted to announce that it has launched a new Research Line, which will focus on Process Intensification. This fifth SIM² Research Line will be led by Prof. Tom Van Gerven, who is also the General Coordinator of the EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-ETN COSMIC project, which targets process intensification in the chemical industry as well.

Process intensification aims at the development of chemical process technology which allows chemical processing with high materials and energy efficiency. The main focus is on the transition from batch to continuous flow systems and on the use of external energy forms (e.g. ultrasound, light, microwave, plasma) to additionally actuate chemical reactors and/or separators. While in the frame of SIM² KU Leuven the developed technologies are used for recycling or new materials synthesis from waste, they have a much wider applicability.

More information about the Research Line and its team can be found on the newly developed webpage concerning Research Line 5.

All information on the other 4 SIM² KU Leuven Research Lines can be found here.


SIM² Education