Mehmet Recai Önal obtains PhD on NdFeB recycling

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On March 10, 2017, Mehmet Recai Önal (KU Leuven, ESR in MC-ITN EREAN) successfully defended and obtained his PhD degree at KU Leuven. He obtained this degree in the framework of the EU FP7 Training Network Project, EREAN, which stands for the European Rare Earth (Magnet) Recycling Network. The topic of Önal’s PhD dissertation is “Recycling of NdFeB magnets for rare earth elements (REE) recovery”. The summary of the PhD can be found below. The full text will become available once all research results have been officially published in the peer-reviewed literature. The already published papers can also be found below. Supervisors for Dr. önal were Prof. Tom Van Gerven and Prof. Bart Blanpain (both KU Leuven). Dr. Önal will now continue his research career as a postdoc in the Group of Prof. Koen Binnemans (KU Leuven) where he will continue to work on solvometallurgical leaching research.

Public Summary PhD Önal

Download PhD Poster Mehmet Ali Recai Onal


  • M.A.R. Önal, C.R. Borra, M. Guo, B. Blanpain, T. Van Gerven, Recycling of NdFeB Magnets Using Sulfation, Selective Roasting, and Water Leaching, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 1 (3), 199-215 (2015) – download
  • M.A.R. Önal, E. Aktan, C.R. Borra, B. Blanpain, T. Van Gerven, M. Guo, Recycling of NdFeB magnets using nitration, calcination and water leaching for REErecovery, Hydrometallurgy, 167, 115–123 (2017).

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