Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy Call for Papers on Circular Hydrometallurgy

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The Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy invites submissions for its upcoming topical collection, "Circular Hydrometallurgy." This specialized area of hydrometallurgy is dedicated to developing energy-efficient processes that minimize reagent consumption and virtually eliminate waste. Professors Koen Binnemans and Peter Tom Jones, who also serve as guest editors for this topical collection, have developed a cohesive set of principles that provide a guiding framework for designing circular hydrometallurgical flowsheets1.

Topics covered by this collection include but are not limited to:

  • Elaboration on one or more of the 12 principles of circular hydrometallurgy
  • Circular hydrometallurgical processes
  • Strategies for reducing reagent consumption
  • LCA and multicriteria assessment of hydrometallurgical processes
  • Mitigation of the iron problem in hydrometallurgy
  • Treatment of effluents in hydrometallurgy
  • Valorisation of solid leach residues

To submit your manuscript, please visit After logging in, choose “Submit New Manuscript” and then select article type “Thematic Article.” When reaching the “Additional Information” screen, indicate that you are submitting for the topical collection “Circular Hydrometallurgy” from the list of options. The submission deadline is December 1, 2024.

For detailed author guidelines and further information about the journal, please visit


1 – Binnemans, K., Jones, P.T. The Twelve Principles of Circular Hydrometallurgy. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 9, 1–25 (2023).


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