Interview P.T. Jones in MBlad on new book

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SIM² KU Leuven coordinator Peter Tom Jones was interviewed by the cleantechmagazine MBlad concerning the launching of his new book Terra Reversa (EPO, 2016, co-authored by Vicky De Meyere) on the transition towards a low-carbon circular economy. The interview deals with Terra Reversa‘s 10 reasons for being optimistic from an environmental point of view. Both the energy and the materials transition are covered in the interview. The Terra Reversa keywords are cleantech, e-mobility, divestment, peer-to-peer economy, circular economy and landfill mining.

An extract in Dutch from the 5-page interview: ” De klimaatopwarming is misschien wel de allergrootste uitdaging van dit tijdperk. De aanpak ervan vergt een transitie die zowel economisch, technologisch, sociaal als ecologisch van aard is. In de heruitgave van het boek ‘Terra Reversa’ onderzoeken industrieel ecoloog Peter Tom Jones en antropologe Vicky De Meyere wat er anno 2016 nodig is om het roer om te gooien. “Wat we vandaag beleven zal de geschiedenis ingaan als het moment waarop de verandering is ingetreden.”

Full reference: Katelijne Norga, “TERRA REVERSA: Komt de koolstofarme wereld binnen handbereik?”, MBlad, November 2016, 15-19.

Read MBlad interview here

Read a summary of the 10 reasons to be environmentally optimistic in the science magazine EOS here


SIM² Education