Hydrometallurgy in raw materials utilisation – an educational and communication programme

HydroMetEC Sulalit logos

NTNU together with the HydroMetEC project is hosting an introductory course in hydrometallurgy. This course is suitable for participants from the industry and academia (researchers and students). 

The course will take place in Trondheim, Norway on the 20th-24th of April 2020.

This course will provide fundamental knowledge about hydrometallurgical processes and typical process units for metal extraction, and case examples will focus on units used in Europe. The main outcome of the course is the obtained industrial and academic knowledge in hydrometallurgical processes, sustainable development and circular economy among professionals. The Introductory Course will include social and cultural activities, as well as excursion to local industry organised by the hosting party.

The course is free of charge. A certificate will be given to people that have attended minimum 80% of the course.

For more information visit their homepage: https://www.ntnu.edu/metpro/hydrometec.


SIM² Education