Free online hydrometallurgy course


Hydrometallurgy in raw materials utilization

– an educational and communication programme

HydroMetEC is a lifelong learning program organized within EIT Raw Materials academy, coordinated by NTNU. It will educate engineers from industry, scientist at RTOs, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students about hydrometallurgy. Employees from mining, metallurgical, recycling and chemical industry are welcome to attend the project events about primary and secondary raw materials and their treatments in hydrometallurgical processes. Hydrometallurgical processes have become more important in recent years to extract and recycle various metals from different sources and in establishing circular economy to address the environmental challenges in different sectors.

HydroMetEC will provide innovative professional training courses by applying digital approaches and tools, organizing international seminars, as well as building a European network in the field. These will consolidate the EIT portfolio in EIT-labelled activities. HydroMetEC organizes three events every year where the project partners are located.

  • An introductory course providing fundamental knowledge about hydrometallurgical processes and typical process units for metal extraction, and case examples focusing on units used in Europe.
  • An advanced course which is mainly related to the important and advanced processes for the industrial applications. The course includes challenges that the industry is facing as e.g. changed raw material quality including the effect of impurities building up in the system, waste streams not possible to use presently as well as methodologies to meet environmental requirements.
  • International seminars focusing on hydrometallurgical processing of primary raw materials, critical material extraction, metal recovery from secondary resources, sustainability as well as the value chain of metal production and supply (resources, market, societal impact – energy consumption and environmental footprint). The locations of the planned international seminars are shown below.

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SIM² Education