ERES2020 – the 3rd Conference on European Rare Earth Resources


The European Rare Earth Resources Conference ERES 2020 will be held between 6 and 9 of October 2020 in the European Cultural Center of Delphi, Greece.

Following the success of the 1st ERES conference in 2014, and the 2nd ERES in 2017, the ERES2020 conference will include both geological and metallurgical topics for production of REE from primary and secondary REE resources. The conference program will consist of oral presentations (20 min) and intensified poster presentations (7 min presentations in an auditorium).

During the confence the delegates will have the rare chance to visit the first European Sc production pilot plant located at the nearby Mytilineos alumina/aluminium plant. The pilot plant build under the H2020 SCALE project. Guided tours to the historical Delphi site and the Fokida mining park will also be available.

Important dates
Abstracts submission deadline – 31.01.2020

Notification of acceptance for oral or poster presentation – 01.04.2020

Draft manuscript or extended abstract – 01.06.2020

Final program – 01.09.2020

The ERES conference aspires to be a European and international forum for the academic, industrial and social stakeholders of the REE industry.

Advances in all fields and aspects of REEs are welcome to be presented and discussed in the conference.

For more information and registration visit this website:



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