ENICON, member of the Cluster Hub for Production of Raw Materials for Batteries

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ENICON project is a founding member of the Cluster Hub for Production of Raw Materials for Batteries from European Resources https://www.materialsforbatterieshub.eu

ENICON project is a founding member of the Cluster Hub for Production of Raw Materials for Batteries from European Resources (https://www.materialsforbatterieshub.eu). The initiative to establish a permanent clustering hub appeared first in November 2022, during the 7th edition of the Raw Materials Week, when eight EU-funded projects gathered together for the workshop entitled: “Production of raw materials for batteries from European Resources”. During that event the participating projects presented their activities (ENICON’s presentation) and decided to join forces in order to create a cluster hub which will encourage the fostering of knowledge necessary to drive a more sustainable and circular production of raw materials for the European battery industry.   Currently, apart from ENICON, the hub consists of the following projects: CROCODILE (https://h2020-crocodile.eu/), RHINOCEROS (https://www.rhinoceros-project.eu/), BATRAW (https://batraw.eu), FREE4LIB (https://www.freeforlib.eu), RESPECT, LiCORNE (https://www.licorne-project.eu/), RELiEF (https://www.lithium-relief.eu/), RAWMINA (https://rawmina.eu/), CRM-geothermal (https://crm-geothermal.eu/).   If you want to find more about the hub, please check https://www.materialsforbatterieshub.eu


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