Enhanced Landfill Mining on the rise in Europe

vautmans REDDACTIE FEB 2017 751x526

On February 6-8, 2017 two new EU projects on Enhanced Landfill Mining formally kicked off. In order to announce these two new projects (ETN NEW-MINE coordinated by SIM² KU Leuven & Interreg Europe COCOON) a widely attended press conference was held in Greenville, Houthalen, the location where also the flagship Closing the Circle project is situated. Several tv-reports were developed including two on VRT-DeRedactie.be and TV Limburg. After the press conference the EURELCO General Assembly was held. More than 80 people from 13 EU-Member States joined the meeting. On February 7, both NEW-MINE and COCOON celebrated their formal kick-off meetings.


VRT: http://deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws/videozone/nieuws/binnenland/1.2885327

TV Limburg: http://www.tvl.be/nieuws/europese-unie-komt-in-houthalen-kijken-naar-recyclage-van-remo-stort-40252

Made in Limburg: http://www.madeinlimburg.be/nieuws/onbegrijpelijk-dat-natuurbeweging-hier-tegen-is/

Engineering Net: http://www.engineeringnet.be/belgie/detail_belgie.asp?Id=18128&titel=Actieplan%20voor%20het%20valoriseren%20en%20beheren%20van%20stortplaatsen%20gelanceerd&category=nieuws

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