Embedding a Circular Economy Monitor in Public Administration

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Luc Alaerts, René H. Reich, Michiel Pauwels, and Karel Van Acker, from Sustainable Materials Processing and Recycling (SeMPeR) group at KU Leuven, have published a Short Paper in the proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems 2024.

With the circular economy transition increasingly becoming a political goal, the ability to monitor progress has become key. Over the past few years, monitoring instruments have appeared at the levels of countries and regions. While their effectiveness still has to be proven, a common gap seems to be that they nowhere seem to have been approached emphatically as instantiations of Information Systems, potentially impairing their effectivity. No evidence of a requirements analysis can be found in any monitor. Moreover, approaches to developing this kind of instantiation from an information system perspective still need to emerge. In this paper, the process of building a recently published circular economy monitor for the region of Flanders in Belgium will be assessed from an Action Design Research perspective to elucidate how requirements were taken along during the development.


Alaerts, Luc; Reich, René Herbert; Pauwels, Michiel; and Van Acker, Karel, "Embedding a Circular Economy Monitor in Public Administration" (2024). ECIS 2024 Proceedings. 24. https://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2024/track17_greenis/track17_greenis/24


L. Alaerts is grateful for the financial support received from the Flemish administration via CE Center (Steunpunt Circulaire Economie). R. H. Reich is grateful for the internal C2-funding of KU Leuven (Grant No: 3E210013). M. Pauwels is grateful for KU Leuven's funding provided by VITO (Grant No: 3E230665). This publication contains the opinions of the authors, not those of the Flemish administration. The Flemish administration will not carry any liability with respect to the use that can be made of the produced data or conclusions.



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