The increased complexity of materials such as coatings, hybrid and composites, as well as sophisticated alloys make the materials recycling very challenging.
Materials recyclability is essential for materials sustainability and the promotion of a circular economy. Within the department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) we offer a tenure track position for comprehensive recycling and re-use of materials, in order to strengthen our portfolio of materials recyclability and sustainability. Functional recycling, i.e. the recycling of materials for re-use in the same function, is of considerable interest. Integration of comprehensive recycling into the materials design will contribute greatly to the materials sustainability and circular economy.

In this position you will focus on the development of a comprehensive recyclability index for complex materials such as hybrids and composites and the technology for cost-efficient metallurgical recycling of all the valuable elements to their virgin quality without compromising the environment. This will be closely linked to the development of innovative strategies that integrate the recycling notion into material design, production and use in the product. You will complement existing expertise within MSE, and strengthen the departmental portfolio for the whole materials cycle. You will maintain active, strong, and fruitful connections with existing research and teaching in the area of materials recycling and sustainability development. For that reason you will also work closely with other departments (Cognitive Robotics, Maritime & Transport Technology, Biomechanical Engineering, Process & Energy) within the faculty to promote sustainable design of machines and products, as well as processes, with the strategy of “design for recyclability and sustainability”. You work on developing your own research field, leading to playing a leading role within this field in collaboration with other universities, research institutes, industry and other departments of the 3mE faculty;

Teaching of materials recycling at master level and supervision of bachelors, masters and PhD students are important part of the job. You will be responsible for acquiring research funding in the field of materials recycling from Dutch government and industry as well as at EU level. Furthermore, extensive use of various materials characterization techniques and development of research labs together with the existing scientific sta􀁷 within MSE will be an integral part of your responsibilities.

More details here.

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